
Two women part of a Chagall painting. Client review page for All Aligned Healing

Old reviews

   Client review 1:  I’d vaguely heard about life alignment but didn’t really know what it is. I booked an appointment with Alex with no expectations but all I can say is WOW! 

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If you are looking for clarity in any blockages or reasons for things happening in your life this is the treatment. Very empowering. Things do not randomly ‘happen’, it is being created all the time and life alignment showed me this. Of course it is up to me to implement the realizations but without this session it is possible I would not feel as empowered as I currently do!

I feel that this is an extremely powerful modality and exactly what I needed at this time. Plus Alex has a wonderful energy to work with.

   Client review 2:

I have woken up this morning with new eyes and a renewed sense of direction and purpose. And feel assured that I am being guided and protected and nurtured at all times. Which makes me feel less stressed about being caught up in the corporate world again.

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 I realize now that this is part of the process and am more at peace with having to do this work and know that it is just a stepping stone toward the work I really want to be doing . 

The life alignment technique is mind blowing and even though I am a trained energy practitioner, I am now finding myself very interested in this modality and wanting to know more so I will definitely be looking into broadening my own energy work at some point. 

Cape Town Table Mountain protea fynbos Client review page for All Aligned Healing

Client review 3: Through Alex I was introduced to Life Alignment. I was surprised and pleased to experience how powerful this healing modality was! 

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What made it all the more special was Alex’s gentleness and sincerity. She is able to quickly tune into the problem and provide deeper insight. Her wisdom and sensitivity helped make me feel like I was OK despite the unpleasant and traumatic stuff that came up. Her compassion and natural healing abilities made me feel safe and secure and actually quite blessed by her healing. 

Alex got straight to the root of the issue, right past my pretty efficient defenses, saving endless hours of bumping my head with reflective analysis. I am very grateful for that. Thank you.

Online Testimonials List

I just could not find an automated way to do this, so these reviews are copy-pasted. Some are from ETSY, and some are from People use these reviews to give back. And to share the joy and excitement of what it is like to experience giving and receiving intuitive support. So they are very uplifting and flattering, which is wonderful!

They don’t show on mobile devices. But you can see them in the product listings if you want a better idea of what to expect from each session.