Becoming a healer: the best job in the universe

So how did each of us become a healer?

Annari Stander

Favourite Themes to work with:
Energy, mental health, and the human mind-body connection.

My passion lies in helping people. Nothing in this life gives me more joy than connecting with others and working through everyday problems together. I love being an assistant to other people’s healing journey.

Since I was a child I was able to feel and sense energy around me. I have always been high intuitive. So to become a healer just seemed like the most logical place to channel these “gifts”.

I have received amazing feedback from doing these types of healings and love to feel like I am making a difference in people’s lives.


  • Reiki Level 3
  • EFT/TFT (tapping)
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Life Alignment
  • Quantum sensory healing
  • Crystal Healing/Crystal Surgery
  • Sound Healing

I am also doing an online course in developing your psychic abilities, but unsure if I will ever want to do psychic reading for people. Its more to enhance my intuitive abilities. Also looking to do Metaphysics, Past Life Regression and Intuitive Healing. I am currently studying Bachelors of Psychology at the South African Colloge of Applied Psychology. I’m in my third year and will be finishing next year.

Alex Edgar

I am now bouncing around as a global citizen and migrant worker. I am in a country which shall not be named, and saving to settle in Trafalgar in the South Coast of KZN in South Africa. However, most of my clients are from cities in the USA, like New York and Los Angeles, and some from the UK and other countries.

I was introduced to spiritual healing as a young teenager. I had a session with Annelise Cowley. She later became director of the St Francis Health Center of the Eastern Cape South Africa.  This was the start of a lifelong fascination with healing, subtle energies, and the spiritual path. However, It is actually a very long journey to become a healer.. Because you grow throughout your entire life. Yet it also a single course, or even a single book away. Anyone can do it.

I did an Honors degree in Politics. Apartheid was still a thing then. Then I studied holistic therapies very soon after finishing my degree. (Shiatsu, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Naturopathy, Reiki, Herbalism, Tui Na). I studied Life Alignment in 2001 with Nina Frank in Johannesburg.  

However, there was a long seven year hiatus before I felt equipped to return to the technique. During this time I worked (a bit) as an administrator, artist’s model, teacher, bookkeeper, and business skills writer. In hindsight, I spent much of my life running from the lessons that I was meant to learn. But luckily, this was not a very successful endeavour.

Key steps

I was also fortunate enough to study and practice lay counselling with the Cape Town Rape Crisis Trust. 

This combined with a health melt-down. Which gave me the push I needed to find a teacher in Cape Town, and return to the technique. 

I studied with Tanya and Jason Harris in Cape Town over the next few years. And was lucky enough to do a few modules with Jeff too.

Areas of interest: Working with survivors of abuse, suicide, co-dependency, spiritual attack, psychosomatic illness, archetypal balances, musculo-skeletal problems, teaching and facilitating workshops.

I now focus exclusively on this kind of work. I started as part of the Bothasig Holistic Fair and Camphill Market. But things really took off for me on ETSY – I am very very grateful that they have made this possible for me. Readings have also been added to my toolkit, which is really enjoyable.

I’m also working with massage. This is in a different website, which you can look at here: