Choosing between intuitive Zoom and distance options
Use this quiz to decide:
A typical distance intuitive reading/integration session
A typical distance session is done at any convenient time, unlike an intuitive Zoom, which has to be scheduled.
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I like to have a recent photo to work with – it makes the connection easier and more effortless.
I actually find distance readings and aura clearings much more strenuous than intuitive Zoom meetings. So the photo really helps!
I email you as I go. So you get a sense of what I am doing and of what I am picking up as I go.
We start by grounding and getting centred and connected. We set our intention for clear boundaries by visualising ourselves in a bubble of light and love. And we call in our support teams.

Personal spiritual beliefs
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When we do this, it is done according to your personal faith. Or simply by specifying. We ask for help, support, and guidance from beings that are associated with Source. Unconditional love. Compassion, and wisdom.
I normally quickly scan or connect to your vibrational field before we start. Both to ensure that we have a good connection. So that we are in sync for the session. And to perceive where your vibes are at before we start.
We may then work purely intuitively. We may do a Reiki, or use simple Life Alignment tools, crystals, cards, flower essences etc.. to work.
A typical intuitive Zoom session
WE do an typical intuitive Zoom session via Google meeting, Skype Facebook, FaceTime or Zoom.
The session often starts with grounding. We centre ourselves and connect with our own innate Knowing. We set our intention for clear boundaries by visualising ourselves in a bubble of light and love, and calling in our support teams.
Personal Faith
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When we do this, it is according to your personal faith. Or we may simply specify. We ask for help, support, and guidance from beings that are associated with Source. Unconditional love, compassion, and wisdom.
I normally quickly scan or connect to your energy before we start. I want to ensure that we have a good connection. So that we are in sync for the session. And to perceive where your energy is at before we start.
We then either work purely intuitively. Do a Reiki healing or move on to the priority for the Zoom session. We often use the Life Alignment template to guide the process.
It is not necessary to strive to feel better during the process. Rather honour whatever you are feeling. Give it the space it needs to be fully experienced and given time and space to be. From this place of acknowledgement, integration and transmutation can flow.

How many Intuitive Zoom sessions do I need?
Most sessions do not require follow-up. However with some very deep processes, sometimes you need multiple balances to reach completion around a particular issue.
Each session ends (and has to end) in a state of integration. Sometimes timing needs to be loose and flexible. There are also often mix-ups because of the different timezones and mis-communications. So we just have to roll with things sometimes.
But the optimum state of completion may take a number of sessions to reach.
When is a series of intuitive Zoom sessions complete?
Generally, I regard a process as complete when the client has attained the experience of very strong positive transpersonal emotions. Such as joy, love, peace, gratitude, or bliss.
Once you resolve a specific issue, you do not need to resolve it again.
On the other hand, it seems to me that each of us has a small selection of core themes. These run through our lives like a seam. These themes may stay with us throughout our whole lives. I do believe that it is possible to move into a transcendental dance with your life struggles. So they become helpful to ourselves and others. We can engage with them as tools and allies in our life’s work.