Connect to your Animal Guides 30 min


Get help, guidance and wisdom from your Spirit Animals. These beautiful wise beings are spiritual teachers and guides for us. Some choose to be with you for your whole life. Others come in for particular issues.



79 in stock


Animal guides are here to help you. All you need to do is open your awareness to what is really going on within you, and to the help that is available to you.

These beautiful wise beings are willing to step forwards as spiritual teachers and guides for us. Each of us has a few particular individual animal guides that help us throughout our lives. You will find that these steadfast friends and companions are with you again and again in your life. Others are kind enough to help us with specific challenges.

It is humbling and wondrous to realize that connection with the Creators and with wisdom, is the heritage of all beings. All beings can teach us, guide us, and help us if they feel moved to do so.

Like other spiritually advanced beings, individual animals of every species can connect to us from a place of enlightened individuality, in order to offer healing to us as an act of joyous giving and collaboration.

Animal guides teach us (rather foolish) humans who we are.

These really are some of my favorite sessions to do. There is simply so much kindness and compassion out there for us.

Once I have received payment, I will contact you and set up an appointment on Zoom or Skype for your session.

Please find a safe space for your appointment where you will be sure of privacy. Ensure your phone is off and you won’t be disturbed. Please also ensure that you have some time to yourself to recover immediately after the session. Deep work can leave you in an expanded and transformative space which is fantastic for healing and integration, but not at all suitable for operating heavy machinery or getting through rush hour traffic.

Please pour yourself a glass of water before the session begins, grab a few tissues just in case, and remove any constricting jewelry or stressors from your field.

About me: I have been working as a healer on and off for about 30 years following a spiritual awakening. I use empathy and an ability to feel energy. This has slowly developed into an inner knowing. Occasionally I see or hear stuff, but mostly just feel. I have worked as a counselor, teacher and massage therapist. Almost all my sessions are face to face. I wish to guide you on your own journey into your own life’s wonder, not simply report back to you what I sense.

About Alex and Annari

We are both naturally intuitive and use a wide variety of energy-healing tools and techniques to help you. We use Reiki, the Life Alignment technique, crystals, flower essences, angels, animal guides, quantum healing, sound healing, and EFT, as well as other techniques.

We wish to guide you on your own journey into your own life’s wonder, not simply report back to you what we sense.

Once we have received payment, we will contact you and set up an appointment on Zoom or Skype for your session.



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