Life Alignment Energy Medicine for transformation & healing

Life Alignment is not just a healing technique but a journey of discovery of our true purpose.
infinity mathematical formula
Flaming June

What is Life Alignment?

Life Alignment is a system of energy healing developed by Dr Jeff Levin. A complex decision tree is combined with muscle testing to guide the treatment, along with emotional catharsis and reframing.

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The technique is not part of any religion. Instead, it is basically a tool for facilitation. No matter what the beliefs of either the client or the practitioner. However, it is a spiritual process, because it brings the causal and spiritual bodies into integration with the mental, emotional, etheric, and physical bodies.

No faith or buy-in to any ideology or idea of what is real is required of either the practitioner or the client.

What is required is a suspension of disbelief, a willingness to work with deep emotional processes. Viscerally, symbolically and imaginatively, and the desire to change on some level.

Jeff Levin, Life Alignment founder
Jeff teaching Life Alignment

Jeff Levin, a gifted healer, created, channelled, and began to teach this technique in 1992.

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Since then, the technique continues to develop and grow in many different countries across the globe. We now teach and practice Life Alignment in approximately 25 countries.

As I understand the history of healing, energy and spiritual healing is traditionally the domain of gifted or saintly people, or part of specific religions. The recipient is dependent on a source of Grace from outside for transformation.

Conscious Grace

In this technique, we guide the client into the source of his or her pain. The healer helps the client to transform this shadow-self into an integrated whole – connected, cleared, and reconciled. The client is usually conscious of precisely how this change took place.

In other words, the client experiences Grace directly. The client gets to hold and manifest the wonder of healing for themselves, while the practitioner facilitates and witnesses the process, with lots of help from above and a very complex to-do list. (We have many charts.) 

Life Alignment can help with finding balance in life, raising the vibration of your home, restoring health and vitality to the body, and opening your mind to new perspectives and realities.

Body spin integration process
Life Alignment international conference
Life Alignment International Conference held in Cape Town, South Africa

The way we work

The practitioner combines the priority point with body points, such as organs and systems, subtle bodies, chakras, and emotional issues as needed.

This is all guided and confirmed through dowsing. For example, we work with a pendulum or by muscle testing.

Basically, the healer creates a circuit between different parts of the body, and between the mind, heart and soul.

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The priority point is the first point that we need to work on.

She connects information with this circuit through tapping in, or entering the information, at the top of the head. 

Before we do the session, whatever we are working on will weaken your field. It may also carry a strong negative emotional charge. It is a trigger for feeling out of harmony with yourself and the world you live in.

For example, we may tap in a particular time period (“When I was 11“), place (“At primary school“), and person (“My History teacher“).

Once the healer taps all the information in, the client  is ready to work through the ‘soap opera’. In other words, she re-experiences the negative feelings, thoughts, and memories of that time and place. 

These unpleasant memories come up because the body is still holding them in its energy field. The priority for her personal growth is to enable her to integrate and heal them. Then she can move forward freely.

At the end of the session, the key words, memories and body points do not weaken the energy field. They no longer cause you to lose your balance and harmony. The result is that your thoughts, feelings and energy field are aligned and in sync.