Harmonize your home to the highest vibes

Our dwellings are symbols of who we are in the world, but they also have their own histories and blockages that may need a house clearing, cleansing or house blessing.  

All the great faiths have traditions of house blessing. The religious path you and your family follow is very personal. However, A home alignment can facilitate the process of helping you ask for blessings for your house in alignment with your own faith and path.

Less well-known, but just as important is that you and your dwelling need to get in sync with one another. In addition, we may need to work with all the residents, the surrounds, and the broader purpose of the building/. For instance, it may be a home, business, sanctuary, or holding place.

It can take several hours to do a full balance. And there are at least two face-to-face sittings and balances on the clients themselves. So this option is only really practical if you live in Cape Town or the surrounds.

We can work with photographs or signatures for the residents of the house including pets. The advantage of using a site map is that we can do the work at a distance. Also, lot of it is more easy to do on the map.

However, we don’t always need to do a full house clearing and recalibration.

There is a lot you can do for yourself too. For example, here is an article in Redfin with lots of useful advice from expert healers around the world: Apartment Detox . It has some great ideas that are really easy to implement.

Often we can do a shorter session specifically on earth energies, electro-magnetic stress, or unwanted negative energies. We can clear a lot of heavy feelings and issues from your home.

Clearing old vibes and baggage

house clearing can help with ghosts, old heavy vibes and history.

Old Cape Town buildings and land can hold a lot of history. Some of it really doesn’t need to linger.
Trauma, negative or fearful thought-patterns, confused ghosts, or simply bad human habits can stain the fabric of your house or office. Particular rooms and areas may hold heavy or uncomfortable vibrations.
Life Alignment Technique has tools that can help shift the old. And make space for fresh energy to flow.

Transmuting geopathic and electromagnetic stress

Geopathic stress: Geopathic stress is stress from the earth. It is due to earth energies that are out of balance, polluted, toxic or distorted.

Electromagnetic pollution: Electromagnetic radiation that is harmful or stressful to living beings. it can lower, clutter and distort the energy of areas of land.

We humans are filling the available space on the planet. Taking over the airwaves with cell-phone towers, WI-fi, power pylons, low frequency sound waves. And the earth with cement and metals. So our buildings have become subject to multiple energetic stressors. 

A skilled practitioner can identify and remedy many of these geopathic and electromagnetic stressors. You can invest in vortex cards. Which can shift the energy in the building and protect the inhabitants from negative external energies.

In Cape Town, we are blessed with Table Mountain, a major energy centre for the earth. If you are lucky enough to have a house that lies on an earth energy line (or ley line) radiating from  the mountain, it is worth raising the vibration of the energy. That way you benefit all the people living on the leyline as it moves through your home and beyond.

Creating an intention for the home space and clearing blockages

We use our homes to create and hold our personal realms. Home Alignment can guide and facilitate bringing your dwelling into alignment with the needs and dreams of the people and other creatures who live there.

It is important that the beings that belong in a house are welcomed and blessed, and that those that should leave (whether from the couch, the compost bin, or the attic) are evicted with blessings and good wishes for the road.

The technique can help you to clear the baggage that you and your family bring to the area yourselves, and help your home to nourish, express and contain all it’s inhabitants.