Cord cutting/ Ending Contracts that bind

(3 customer reviews)



Book a cord cutting session to free yourself and others from suffering.

When people’s strong emotional connections become:

or bound by vows
This can result in energetic cords and hooks.

Cords and hooks may be conscious or unconscious, mutual or of one-way origin. They usually connect to a chakra or subtle body.

Hooks and cords may form between people who are, or have been, very close, but can also be the result of curses and so on.

Any ill-wish, directed with enough intention behind it can be a curse – it doesn’t need to be overtly occult to have real power.

Sometimes we also enter in to contracts that are,shall we say, a little over-enthusiastic, and which bind us to a time and situation that has long been overdue for clearing.

Often cords and hooks are formed from a place of love, which has become fear-driven or conditional,

For example, a mother may unconsciously hook into her child, without intending to, when she tries to manage his or her life, keep her safe , or to shape the child’s personality.

We will help you understand and sense what is binding you and how.

And help free you and your co-contractee (who may be in any relation to you) from cords and contracts.

Please find a safe space for your appointment where you will be sure of privacy. Ensure your phone is off and you won’t be disturbed. Please also ensure that you have some time to yourself to recover immediately after the session. Deep work can leave you in an expanded and transformative space which is fantastic for healing and integration, but not at all suitable for operating heavy machinery or getting through rush hour traffic.

Please pour yourself a glass of water before the session begins and remove any constricting jewelry or stressors from your field.

About Alex and Annari

We are both naturally intuitive and use a wide variety of energy-healing tools and techniques to help you. We use Reiki, the Life Alignment technique, crystals, flower essences, angels, animal guides, quantum healing, sound healing, and EFT, as well as other techniques.

We wish to guide you on your own journey into your own life’s wonder, not simply report back to you what we sense.

Once we have received payment, we will contact you and set up an appointment on Zoom or Skype for your session.

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3 reviews for Cord cutting/ Ending Contracts that bind

  1. alexedgar2 (store manager)

    “STELLAR. Hi, I am so happy to share my experience here, and hope this review will help you with your decision to book a session. I worked with Alex. I chose cord cutting because I have been carrying a broken heart for what feels like has been too long. So completely honestly – Alex gave me a new perspective on this broken heart. She helped me to see it as a gift, and for the love I “lost” as a lesson. I am in a place where I can hear this, and practice it, as I have a spiritual practice. What I mean to say is – this was an authentic, gentle, loving session. It was to help me heal, and transform. I am already booking another appointment – I believe that Alex can help me heal past relationships. She can help me with the energy. All the best to you!” Client 12 Jan 2022

  2. alexedgar2 (store manager)

    “As a healer myself I believe I recognize someone who has a special gift and I think that Alex is one of those people. In my opinion she operates as an experienced professional with a precise methodical and highly intuitive ability, which quickly pinpoints underlying issues and imbalances and then with a gentle safe energetic space supports one to find resolution release and healing. Alex works with a beautiful down to earth, humility, always with kindness and patience. I have just commenced my work with Alex and am already noticing the difference, so will be having ongoing sessions with her. I would not hesitate to recommend her, whatever your concerns, no matter how ingrained or unusual they may be. I know we all have our own experience but if you are anything like me I am sure you will not be disappointed to connect with Alex.” Client 12 March 2022

  3. alexedgar2 (store manager)

    “Thank you so much, it helped a lot!” Client 23 Jul 2022

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