Energy healing for educators and teachers


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Energy healing for educators and teachers is to help you hold the space for yourself and your students with clarity, light and guidance.

If you are a sensitive person, you already know that you and your class reflect and resonate together – the blockages they experience cause you discomfort, and your own blockages and issues cause the whole class to go out of sync.

You do not teach a subject, you teach people – the subject is simply the medium for your work.

As you know, teaching is both incredibly influential, and surprisingly ineffectual at helping and guiding your students. You are hampered by external forces.  Conflict, the needs of the school and the collective which often conflicts with those of the students, overwork, underpay, burnout, and a syllabus that just never seems right.

We are happy to work with you, your class, and even individual students (that back row!) to help bring peace and harmony to your calling.

You may be suffering from illness, burnout, sleepless nights, anxiety, grief, shame, feelings of ‘failure’. Please know that these are practically occupational hazards and that you are not alone. However, each of these negative patterns and symptoms is a sign.  You need to step up, and lead in new skills and shifts in consciousness.

Energy healing for educators and teachers can help you get magically, holistically, to the core of the issue. It can bring your sacred heart compassionately into the classroom. Guide your inner knowing to find the words that help and transform. To see clearly what is going down from day to day. Enable you to be part of transformation for you and for the world.

Teaching shouldn’t be so hard. Let’s find the key to transform things together.

About Alex and Annari

We are both naturally intuitive and use a wide variety of energy-healing tools and techniques to help you. We use Reiki, the Life Alignment technique, crystals, flower essences, angels, animal guides, quantum healing, sound healing, and EFT, as well as other techniques.

We wish to guide you on your own journey into your own life’s wonder, not simply report back to you what we sense.

Once we have received payment, we will contact you and set up an appointment on Zoom or Skype for your session.

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